Home, LifeBailey Rae8 Comments

Murder Mystery Party!

Home, LifeBailey Rae8 Comments
Murder Mystery Party!

The long-awaited post! My review/experience hosting a Murder Mystery Party!

Let me start by saying, this party makes the top 3 for the parties we have ever hosted, and we have hosted a TON of parties!

Since we host all the time, I was looking for a way to make my 30th birthday party extra special. I flirted with the idea of having it at one of my favorite restaurants, but when looking at the cost, it just didn't make sense. Still, I struggled thinking about how to make the evening different compared to every other cocktail/dinner party we host at our home. Then it hit me, a MURDER MYSTERY PARTY!


I have the best group of friends, some of which we had talked about doing one before, and others who I knew would be game for dressing in character. The hunt started for the perfect theme/story. There are quite a few websites offering lots of different mysteries to purchase, but I quickly settled on this Clue inspired mystery. I loved the board game Clue when I was little, and I thought our house would naturally make the perfect backdrop with our fireplace and library wall. This is the kit I purchased (click her) and I did buy the expansion pack so I would have characters for the 38 confirmed guests! (Tip #1, get your guest count prior to choosing a mystery. It is essential for the kit you select as well as character assignment.)

Then the planning fun began. I started with character assignments, which I loved doing. When reading the description of the different characters, immediately specific friends came to mind who would naturally have fun & fit the role. For example, I was Chef Tangerine, the estate chef, and Casey was the Estate Gardener. Very fitting roles.


Next, I thought about ways to make the evening "more authentic." I purchased small things like realistic-looking money that would be used for bribery instead of printing the fake money template that was included in the kit. Unnecessary, yes, however, these little details did make the night even better. Other small details included remaking the "evidence" in the case to appear authentic, purchasing a confidential stamp to appropriate letter envelopes, and more.

You can watch the full video of the night I shared on Instagram (click here) , highlighting all these "small details." For decor, I simply purchased some black lace to use on the mantle and food table, as well as some black taper candles for a dramatic touch. A few dozen roses and a vintage Clue board game for the coffee table, and that was all I purchased for decor. I flooded the mantle with a dozen antique bronze candlesticks I had bought for our wedding.

Lastly, the food: I wanted to be able to be present and experience the whole party, so I planned a massive menu of heavy hors d'oeuvres I could set out before the party started, and guests could help themselves and graze throughout the night.

The night was remarkable, and everyone continued to rave about the party for weeks after. I still can't get over how much fun it was. I would highly recommend hosting a murder mystery party if you have a fun group of friends who won't take themselves too seriously and get into their roles. A few of my friends really got into it and even rented their costumes for the night - it was tough to pick a winner for the Best Dressed category!

Going into this party, I was a bit stressed, it was unlike anything I have ever hosted, but now I want to make it an annual party! It was SO MUCH FUN!

If you are thinking of hosting your own Murder Mystery Party and have any questions, feel free to ask below. Iā€™m happy to share any advice or suggestions!